Group Feature: Bands We're Afraid to Admit We Like, Part 2
#DeathtoCool2k15. More ACRN writers spill what band they're afraid to like, so toss on some Dave Matthews Band and get readin'! Shem...

Album Review: Chvrches - Every Open Eye
By Shem Krey, Contributor [Glassnote; 2015) Rating: 3.5/5 Key Tracks: “Clearest Blue,” “Make Them Gold,” “Never Ending Circles” The...

Lobsterfest Q&A: Sal Lake
By Shem Krey, Contributor Athens legend Sal Lake and I sat down at Casa Nueva for a Q&A and I got a chance to ask this mysterious artist...

Review: Foo Fighters - Sonic Highways
By Shem Krey, Contributor [Roswell Records; 2014] Rating: 5.5/10 Key Tracks: “Something From Nothing,” “Feast and The Famine” Dave Grohl...