Sweater Weather Soundtrack
By ACRN Staff The nights get colder, the leaves start to fade into oranges, reds and golds, and Donkey Coffee begins selling...

Those Theme Songs that Stick
By ACRN Staff What is it that initially pulls us into a television show? For most, it isn’t the lusty male/female lead bouncing down the...

Our Favorite Music Videos
By ACRN Staff Aug. 1, 1981 was an important day in the history of music: the day when MTV officially launched in the United States. From...

Valentine's Day: Love it or Hate It
By ACRN Staff February: the month of love for some, and for others, hate--or even the official season of breakups for those bitter about...

Breakin' Up is Hard to Do
By ACRN Staff In the world of love, there’s always that one person that no matter how much time has passed, how many tears you’ve shed,...

ACRN Editorial: Songs That Move You
By ACRN Staff In this crazy, mixed up world of ours, we need something to turn to when the going gets tough. Some people turn to yoga or...

ACRN Editorial: Guilty Pleasures
By ACRN Staff Everyone has a "guilty pleasure"--that song you practically dive across the room to skip when it comes up on shuffle, but,...

ACRN's Most Anticipated Releases in 2012
This new year means more than resolutions and a new start. For the staff of ACRN and music lovers everywhere, the new year brings about a...
ACRN's Top Albums of 2011
By ACRN Staff Because everyone loves a good year-end list, right? Check out the albums we enjoyed the most in 2011, from the blues rock...

ACRN Editorial: This is My Jam!
By ACRN Staff There are certain bits of music that, no matter where you are in your life, have the power to take you back. Suddenly you...