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Album Review: ILoveMakonnen - Drink More Water 6

Photo via Pitchfork

By Chuck Greenlee, Contributor

[Warner Bros.; 2016]

Rating: 1.5/10

Key Track: "Back Again"

Oh lord, have mercy on those who listen.

ILoveMakonnen is back at it again with Drink More Water 6, which is the worst album you may hear the entire year. However, die-hard Makonnen fans may feel a little more “eh” about the album as opposed to hating it.

The album opens up with its only good track, “Back Again” - as if Makonnen had ever left. The beat is as smooth as Allen Iverson on the court and the song delivers a catchy hook, as well. Again, though, this track marks the record’s only bright spot.

Makonnen chooses to not do anything creative with the entire album. In fact, the listener might actually think it’s a joke. A great example of the album’s level of lyrical creativity can be found in the song “Live For Real,” where Makonnen gets philosophical and spits out the following: “I can sleep when I’m dead / Ain’t that shit true / Until then, I’ma do what I do.”

If it weren’t deep enough already, he then tells you “I live for real, hey / So watch me live, hey.” These few lines make up about 50 percent of the song – seriously.

Makonnen has been struggling to get another hit that has the magnitude of “Tuesday” for a while now, however he may be struggling as he doesn’t have Drake to help him reach the top of the charts.

If you are into wanting to have your ears bleed for roughly 40 minutes, check out Drink More Water 6. However, if you have any sense of self respect, don’t bother.

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