Album Review: Adele - 25

By Hannah Mullin, Contributor
[XL; 2015]
Rating: 4.5/5
Key Tracks: “Remedy,” “9 Million Years Ago”
25, the highly anticipated new album from Adele, irrefutably establishes her as one of the most talented songwriters of recent years. The emotion that is put into each word of 25 keeps the listener connected throughout the album. 25 represents Adele’s struggle of getting past a former lover, and her incredible emotion vividly illustrates her internal battle.
The already well known single “Hello” begins 25. One of the first lines of the song, “They say that time’s supposed to heal ya / But I ain’t done much healing,” sums up the record as a whole. She hasn’t yet healed and this album is her way of artistic reconciliation.
There are two types of songs on 25. Breathtaking ballads like “Hello” use a piano and orchestra to create an overwhelming emotional experience. Additionally, songs like “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” use complex background music that slightly draws the listener’s attention away from Adele’s powerful voice, implementing more guitar and drums to create a lighter tone.
Adele creates a heartbreaking story with her lyrics, but she has a unique gift of turning these sorrowful lyrics into empowerment and understanding with her voice. This talent is brought forth in 25 with an astonishingly honest account of her relationship with a particular beau.
25 is an astounding piece of art. Adele brazenly says everything about heartbreak the average listener should never put into words. It is truly amazing that someone in their mid-20s can harness such an amazing amount of emotion and honesty in one album. 25 may be the best album of the year and undoubtedly deserves a Grammy, among other equally high praise.