Album Review: Malfunction - Fear of Failure

By Van Williams, Contributor
[Bridge Nine; 2015]
Rating: 4/5
Key Tracks: “Drain,” “Drift,” “Release”
There was a time not so long ago in which finding hardcore that didn’t sound completely recycled and uninspired was quite the challenge. But thanks to bands like Turnstile, Harm’s Way, and now Malfunction there is a wave of really great hardcore that’s recently come to popularity. After releasing their first seven inch on the highly reputable Reaper Records, the members of Malfunction spent roughly three years on tour with the likes of Bane, Backtrack, and Turnstile. Now, after Malfunction's 2015 signing to Bridge Nine Records, the band is back better than ever with its first full length, Fear of Failure.
The record starts off exactly how any good hardcore record should--immediately making the listener want to get up from their seat and throw down in whatever location they may be in. This first track, “Drain,” sets up the audience for something special. The record stays strong throughout the first few tracks until another high point is reached with the sixth track, “Drift." “Drift” was the first single released from the record, and for good reason. Malfunction has perfected its signature style on this track, loosely blending newer school hardcore riffs with old school chugging guitar parts and guttural vocals. The lyrics revolve around personal problems and anxieties regarding crippled relationships.
The album continues to dish out heavy guitars and torn vocals until reaching another high point with what has to be the strongest song on the record, “Release.” Clocking in at two minutes and 38 seconds, the listener is greeted with abrasive, blistering guitar work and pounding drums throughout. To compliment all of this, the vocals never lose their intensity as the record chugs onward to it’s eventual closing point, “Discontent.”
In a genre that some write off for its lack of originality and depth, Malfunction has managed to release a completely original and fresh-sounding record with Fear of Failure. 2015 has been a good year for hardcore, and this band is no exception. Hardcore fans should definitely keep an eye on Malfunction as it continues to tour and release exciting new music.