Preview: Run Forever, Windowbox, Billy Dreamin’, Julian, Olivia Cobb / Nov. 22 / The RBG

By Van Williams, Contributor
The Hardcore House of Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Sun., Nov. 22, 2015
Ready to go home for the holidays? Some are, some aren’t, but there won’t be a better way to end your weekend in Athens than swinging by the RBG to catch some truly killer bands.
Headlining the show is the indie rock outfit from Braddock, PA, Run Forever. Run Forever, a four piece since 2013, have been picking up steam ever since signing to No Sleep Records. On October ninth they released their third full length LP, recorded by Matt Talbott of HUM. The band has not stopped growing since its inception, which is saying something for how hard they came out swinging. Do not sleep on this one.
Also performing is Windowbox. Windowbox is an Athens-based indie group known for sad and sombre tunes. ACRN Media spoke to Brigetta Jameson of Windowbox about the show, and she couldn’t be more excited. “I'm very excited to finally play with a drummer (Megan Fair),” exclaimed Jameson, “And all of the other acts are really good, so it's honestly a great lineup. It's also our last local show before we hit the road!”
Adding to the lineup are Athens locals Billy Dreamin’. Billy Dreamin’ is Jordan Riley, an Ohio University student with a knack for writing sweet and simple jams.
Preceding Billy Dreamin’ is Athens' own Julian. The group's songs will be performed as a solo set by the talented Julia Leiby. The Julian EP, Smush, can be found on bandcamp and is definitely worth a listen. Julian plays stripped down indie rock songs but do so with such a strong pop sensibility that you can’t help but move with the songs.
Opening up the whole show with poetry readings is another Athens artist, Olivia Cobb. I had the chance to talk to Cobb about Sunday’s show and was greeted with nothing but enthusiasm about all of the great acts and her chance to perform in front of people who will get the most out of what she has to say. “I try to capture the beauty in the more disgusting parts of life (i.e. sweat, blood, fat). I want to reach into the things people categorize as icky.” This is only Cobb's second public performance, so come give her a warm welcome.
Bring your friends, bring a five dollar donation for the touring bands, and come have a good, clear-minded time at 7:30 p.m. at The RBG. No drinkin' allowed!