Album Review: Cheatahs - Mythologies

By Nicholas Dighero, Contributor
[Wichita; 2015]
Rating: 1.5/5
Key Track: “Seven Sisters”
Cheatahs are a shoegaze/indie rock/alt-rock band from London; the group recently released a new record Mythologies. This album is uninteresting, boring and forgettable. After many painful sittings of listening to it, I found myself desperately searching for something else to listen to in order to restore my faith in music that is creative and bold.
“Channel View” opens up with a somewhat interesting chord progression, but it then turns over to the very (badly) hazy vocals, as do most of the songs on Mythologies. After surviving the first 20 seconds of each track, the dissatisfaction only grows because the dullness amplifies and keeps on going. “Mysteci” is a great example of the infinite lameness. It starts with a bunch of delay and wah guitar pedals that dreadfully keep on going and are eventually joined with Nathan Hewitt’s dull, haunting vocals. Drums eventually come in, but they sound terrible. The drums might be the worst part about Mythologies--but there’s a lot to choose from.
Although, there are instances on Mythologies that are very pleasing to the ears. For example, the track "Seven Sisters" is a pretty sounding tune with some great pop melodies and sweet vocals. The vocals are not drenched in reverb like the rest of the record, but have just enough to have a big sound. The drums are not as harsh sounding, and it doesn't feel like any parts in the track drag on for an unnecessary amount. "Seven Sisters" proves that Cheatahs have it in them to make an interesting song while still maintaining the sound that makes them Cheatahs, but unfortunately this track is the only one of its kind on Mythologies.