Album Review: Salvors - Salvors EP

By Kenyetta Whitfield, Contributor [Self-released; 2015] Rating: 3/5
Key Track: “Stuck in My Head”
DJ and producer Half-truth’s SoundCloud profile boasts the Montreal artist’s musical achievements as well as his affinity for weird beers. What his profile fails to mention is his obvious ability to create syrupy sweet and catchy pop tunes. Half-truth recently joined forces with Grand Rapids’ own London & Rome to create Salvors, which just released a self-titled and quick listen EP.
Salvors starts off with dream pop number “Stuck in My Head,” which, aptly enough, is about someone unable to sleep due to thoughts about their significant other. The song’s lyrics are relatable and catchy. “If I call you, will it change things / Will it make things worse / I’ll be drifting faster, faster / Dream about to burst.”
“Calculator” starts off with Half-truth emulating the previous tracks’ dreamy and soft vocals, while incorporating a beat similar to an 8-bit. The DJ sings about an unclear relationship and its difficulties. The song, though catchy, lacks strong lyrical presence and is saved primarily by the simple chorus, “It’ll never add up / Never add up / Calculator.”
Salvors end the EP with “Diving In,” another pop concoction about jumping headfirst into a new relationship. The track can only be described as candy sweet, as London & Rome sings as gleefully as an adolescent in love. The lyrics are simple, but the vocals are lighthearted and a nice contrast from “Calculator” which features Half-Truth’s vocals.
Salvors, although created by two artists separated by distance, has a definite sound. The light electronica dream pop does well in keeping with current music trends. After a few listens it is apparent that the EP is nothing new to listeners but clearly has an intended audience. It wouldn’t be surprising if any of the EP’s tracks made it onto XM radio stations within the next year.