Review: Tyler, the Creator - Cherry Bomb

By Sammi Nelson, Blogs Editor
[Odd Future; 2015]
Rating: 3.5/5
It’s been awhile since music media has talked about Tyler, The Creator. After the surprise release of Earl Sweatshirt’s I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside a few weeks ago, it seems almost appropriate that his older Odd Future brother should drop an album of his own.
Besides his work with various musicians and OF show “Loiter Squad” on Adult Swim, Tyler’s been quiet since he released his previous album, 2013’s Wolf, and that’s just weird. Now, with release of his fourth and completely self-produced record Cherry Bomb, Tyler has come back loud and clear, and he’s made that obvious with all-caps song titles.
While previous albums Bastard, Goblin and Wolf appeared to contribute to the ongoing story of Tyler’s multiple personas, Cherry Bomb takes a step away from that narrative.
Tyler shows off his transparently amazing production skills throughout the release, along with verses that are wittier than ever before. Each track contains so much value and noteworthy traits that it is difficult to pick and choose which songs to mention over others.
There are some obvious choices, however, and one of those is the opener, “DEATHCAMP.” It’s unlike any previous Tyler song. The track contains gritty guitar riffs that make it sound as though Tyler is rapping over the music of a grungy garage rock band.
Emulating that traditional anti-rules lifestyle he often includes in his material, Tyler calls out the media’s focus on his life while also stating that he doesn’t care what others think about him. “I don’t like to follow the rules, and that’s just who I am / I hope you understand,” he says in “DEATHCAMP.”
Another notable song is the longest track, “2SEATER.” The piece features lovely runs from a female singer with influences from old school hip hop, jazz and electronic. Tyler serenades (in his own Tyler way) his lady friend in an attempt to persuade her to ride with him in his two-seater, which is code for his Bimmer (specifically a 1991 BMW M3).
The following track, “THE BROWN STAINS OF DARKEESE LATIFAH PART 6-12 (REMIX),” goes hard. Don’t be fooled by the name; it’s not a remix or part of a series, it’s just a goofy as hell song title. A high pitched whir continues to loop throughout the song while the bass beats low and Tyler absolutely spits. ScHoolboy Q is a great addition to the song, as he rips it apart with his vicious closing verses.
ScHoolboy Q isn’t the only great feature on Cherry Bomb. A few songs later, “SMUCKERS” begins to play, which includes two of the biggest names in rap over the last decade: Lil Wayne and Kanye West.
All three rappers have ferociously good lines in “SMUCKERS.” In one of his earlier verses, Tyler refers to Odd Future getting denied access to New Zealand by authorities when the collective was set to replace Kendrick Lamar for Eminem’s 2014 Rapture festival. With the lines, “I got banned from New Zealand, whitey called me demon / And a terrorist, god dammit I couldn't believe it,” Tyler calls out the incident in a country with a predominantly white population.
Kanye opens with the stinging verses, “Richer than white people with black kids /Scarier than black people with ideas,” referring to social constructions imbedded in today’s American society. Lil Wayne’s lyrics aren’t as striking as either Kanye or Tyler’s, but they provide a good back and forth between Weezy and Tyler towards the end of the song.
Cherry Bomb is a testament to the days Tyler has experienced while growing in coverage and popularity with his music and presence in Odd Future. The now 24-year-old rapper has stepped back to watch his past through the lens of his latest record. While it may seem like a growing experience for The Creator, he isn’t changing who he is at all. He continues to exude his highly energetic, no-fucks-given and young-at-heart personality through his music, television show and internet presence.