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Lobsterfest Q&A: Moth Cock


By Sammi Nelson, Blogs Editor

Though a plethora of musicians with both interesting sounds and interesting names will grace Athens with their presence at this year’s Lobsterfest, there’s one band in particular may stand out from the rest, both with its sound and name. Moth Cock, an experimental music duo based out of Kent, OH, is bringing its mixture of jazz, noise and electronics to Athens.

Pat Modugno and Doug Kent are the two musicians who make up Moth Cock. While producing their music, they often improvise with various instrumentation and sounds that create a variety of unique and eclectic effects.

Moth Cock will be taking the Lobsterfest stage on Friday, April 24 at Habibi’s Restaurant. Doors open at 8 p.m.

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but I'm really curious about the name of your group. How did you come up with "Moth Cock?"

Modugno: I don't remember the complete conversation leading up to our name. It was when we were like 19 or something. I think me, Doug and some friends were discussing the fact that there are a lot of bands that have an animal and body part names. My friend Kyle jokingly suggested the name “moth cock” for me and Doug's band. It gets ripped on a lot and it sucks when my relatives ask how my music's doing. Now that I'm 29, I'm not crazy about the name. Still, we can never change it. It wouldn't feel right. I've also been asked whether it’s a moth’s penis or a moth chicken hybrid. I like the moth chicken.

So I understand that there are two musicians in Moth Cock. What roles do each of you play when making music?

Modugno: Me and Doug have always sorta winged it as to what we do. The past four years or so we've been doing the same set up. I prepare a series of loops that are processed and looped again. Doug plays clarinet into the same rig that I run the loops into. I also run tapes, trumpet and vocals over top of it all. Once a final loop is formed I set new levels and effects for us to play over.

Your bandcamp profile says that you're based out of Kent. How long did you know each other before creating Moth Cock?

Gent: We grew up in the same town but didn't really start hanging out until high school. We became friends around the summer of 2005.

Did either of you make music before Moth Cock?

Gent: We had an avant-folk group called Dutch Mirrors before Moth Cock, but it was pretty low-key. Pat used to make rock music for PlayStation 2 a whole bunch.

Who would you say is your group's biggest influence(s)? What about each of your individual influences?

Gent: We both like Black Dice and Skaters, with Pat leaning towards Black Dice and me leaning towards Skaters. All [of] the Ralph Records catalogue was a huge influence. We both are die-hard Billy Joel fans as well.

How often do you guys play live shows?

Gent: We’ve played at least one show a month for the past eight years anywhere that will have us.

Will Lobsterfest be your first time in Athens? If so, what are your expectations?

Gent: Pat played in Athens before and really loved it. It will be my first visit. [We’re] quite excited.

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