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Preview: The Sidekicks, LVL UP, Mom's Weekend, Ghost Stories / February 12 / Club Underground

By Britney Oblak, Contributor

Club Underground / Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thirsty Thursday this week in Athens at Club Underground is bound to get rowdy and become a melodic-punk night full of memories. On the roster we have The Sidekicks, LVL UP, Ghost Stories and Mom’s Weekend. A treat so sweet, you might won’t even need anyone to get you chocolates for Valentine’s Day!

Mom’s Weekend, a local favorite and fixture, are sadly playing their last show for the foreseeable future Thursday. ACRN caught up with Paul Lampley of Mom’s Weekend for a few words on what’s in store, the music community and their big finale.

On playing their last show, Lampley is “Kinda stoked, kinda bummed. It's always been a battle to get people to even understand what we were doing, but it seems like the people who knew about us are excited. And it might not be the last one of all time, but it probably is.”

When discussing Athens as opposed to other cities in terms of the music scene, Lampley asserted, “I've lived in Athens six years now and have seen about three generations of the DIY community.” Adding, “And it's not all bad, but it's always been an exclusive clique. Always. It's so strange to me that it happens that way, but it does.”

He continued, stating that, “To me it should be about the music first, not who your friends with or how you align yourself politically. I think it's a problem with the current nationwide scene as well.” However, his more positive thoughts about Athens is a sentiment most probably feel about the area, “It rules. There is nothing better than finding it and becoming a part of it.”

Regarding how Lampley feels about his goals of a live performance, “I've always aimed to get people to give a shit about the band. Always. I think one should create music for [sic] themselves, but perform for others.” He goes on to say “And it was never just for fun for me, it's definitely a part of who I am, and I always wanted it to seem like I'm sharing a part of myself with the people who are watching.”

As far as any special plans or surprises for this finale, “There's some special stuff in the works, I just don't know what all it's going to include.” He was able to shed light on some special guest-appearances, however: “Charlie [Walden] and Eric [Bishop] of Ghost Stories are playing with me and I just want us all to have a fun and get people into it. They've been fans of Mom's Weekend since our first EP so it's cool they went from watching Mom's Weekend to learning the songs. That’s pretty special to me.”

When all is said and done, it seems like this is certainly going to be a Thursday night you may actually want to remember. This is a stellar line up you surely would be slipshod to skip out on so be sure to be at Club Underground on Thursday February 12th at 8:45 p.m.!

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