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Review: Mary Lambert - Heart On My Sleeve

By Justin Mosley, Contributor

[Capitol; 2014]

Rating: 7/10

Key Tracks: “So Far Sway,” “Secrets,” “Ribcage"

Ever since Mary Lambert’s debut on Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ song “Same Love,” many listeners have taken an interest in her. Her first studio album, Heart On My Sleeve, was far from a disappointment.

Although she tends to use too many vocal effects, this album did not fall short; however, in her single “Secrets” it seems as if she’s trying to say, “Screw you,” to everyone. The song focuses too much on that message and it sounds like a joke. However, this one song does not take away from the masterpiece that is this album.

“So Far Away” is indisputably the album’s best song. Her ability to write the most complex and diverse lines makes her a true artist. With lines such as, “I’m a million miles away from anywhere / Slide my hands across the sheet / Pretend you’re there/ But missing you is a slow burn/ Every time the earth turns.” She’s able to put into words how much someone can miss their lover.

Lambert has been a poet since she was very small; it isn’t surprising when a spoken word track of her poem “Dear One” appears. Her talent for poetry is one not found in the majority of poets. This poem is about finding the person who makes one complete. The lines that jump out the most in this spectacular poem is the first and last one: “Where did you come from, bright star?” and “I was found whole the moment you spoke.” Every word always delivers Lambert’s motif.

Lambert’s song “Ribcage” features two other artists, Angel Haze and K.Flay. The combination of Lambert, Haze and K.flay makes this song a close second to “So Far Away.”

The song is doused in a vocal effect that adds to the melancholic and muffled tone, specifically the beat. “Ribcage” can be interpreted multiple ways, including Lambert’s discouragement of succumbing to the painful temptation of self-harm. This is a terrific song lyrically and musically.

As a whole, Heart On My Sleeve is an album about giving your all for someone and doing anything for them, no matter what happens and no matter what they do--“Secrets” might be the only exception. Lambert’s first full-length is a success and deserves whatever awards it acquires.

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