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News: Chief Keef Dropped from Interscope

By Marc Blanc, Contributor

Teen drill idol Chief Keef has been dropped by Interscope Records after a tumultuous year. says the decision was made two weeks ago, but was only recently confirmed through Keef’s Twitter. The Chicago rapper’s legal troubles reportedly drove the severance, with lawsuits, drug charges and a March shootout intensifying Keef’s hard image, while apparently reducing his major label value.

Additionally, Keef’s Interscope debut Finally Rich has proven disappointing, only moving 200,000 copies since 2012.

His Twitter displays a confident artist through recent updates like “So f*cking happy I ain’t with that sh*t no more.” The Back From the Dead 2 mixtape is still scheduled to be released on Halloween through Keef’s own Glo Gang label. Gucci Mane’s 1017 Brick Squad Records maintains its contract with Keef, who tweeted on Tuesday that “Everything that was supposed to drop still dropping.”

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