Movie Review: Lion
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [See-Saw; 2016] Rating: 7.5/10 Based on a true story, Lion chronicles the life of Saroo Brierly, who was...

Album Review: Metallica - Hardwired... to Self-Destruct
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [Blackened Recordings; 2016] Rating: 6/10 Key Tracks: “Atlas, Rise!,” “Halo on Fire,” “Spit Out the Bone”...

Movie Review - Christine
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [The Orchard; 2016] Rating: 9/10 Christine is an American-British biographical film that gives viewers a...

Album Review: gobbinjr - vom night
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [JMC Aggregate; 2016] Rating: 8.5/10 Key Tracks: “manatee,” “vom night” vom night is the newest EP released...

Movie Review: Denial
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [Bleecker Street; 2016] Rating: 6.5/10 In 1993, American author and historian Deborah Lipstadt released her...

Movie Review: Hell or High Water
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [Sidney Kimmel Entertainment; 2016] Rating: 8/10 Hell or High Water comes from the popular idiom, meaning...

Album Review: Solange - A Seat at the Table
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [Saint; 2016] Rating: 8.5/10 Key Tracks: “Cranes in the Sky,” “Don’t Touch My Hair,” “F.U.B.U” Solange...

Movie Review: The Innocents
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [Mars Distribution; 2016] Rating: 8/10 Prior to its release earlier this year, The Innocents revealed very...

Movie Review: Don't Think Twice
By Justin Cudahy, Contributor [The Film Arcade; 2016] Rating: 8.5/10 Improv is a form of theatre that does not get the attention it...